Commitment to SDGs

The NCXX Group aims to “contribute to the development of a more efficient and comfortable society,” as laid out in its corporate philosophy. We believe this aim is aligned with efforts to realize a sustainable society—the main purpose of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit held in 2015.

In the cryptocurrency and blockchain business and agricultural ICT business, the Group has initiated research and development into AI-based trading systems and automated harvesting robots. The goal is to turn these projects into platforms for technological innovation (Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure).


The Group also uses the heat generated from cryptocurrency mining to grow cherry tomatoes in greenhouses, and strives to reduce heating expenses in the winter and cooling expenses needed to mitigate waste heat (Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production).

Image of purchasing seedlings from coins from tomato cultivation by heat by mining

Click the image to enlarge

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In the agricultural ICT business, an area of focus for the NCXX Group, we help to create employment for people with disabilities and the elderly by enabling people to start farming even without agricultural knowledge or experience (Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth).

Scenery using agricultural ICT

In addition, NCXX offers the GX4x0NC, an OBD II-type automotive telematics data collecting unit. It can be installed in a variety of welfare vehicle models. Driving data of vehicles fitted with the device is sent over 3G networks to servers, where a management system can quantify and visualize the data to detect hazardous driving (sudden starts, sudden stops, sharp turns). With this system, managers can monitor any dangerous behaviors and give appropriate instructions to drivers as necessary, thereby making it possible to provide safer transportation services (Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities).

It is possible to propose accidents and improve corporate compliance by driving safely

We have entered into business alliances with CAICA Inc. and NCXX Solutions Inc., along with fostering collaboration between the Group’s agricultural ICT business NCXX Farm and WORKS MOBILE Japan Corp.’s LINE WORKS, a LINE-based collaboration and communication platform for business users. Through such partnerships with other companies, we will strengthen our measures to achieve sustainable development (Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals).

SDGs 17 Goals to Transform Our World